State subsidies missing out on job creation

US states are spending billions per year on corporate tax credits, grants and other economic development subsidies that often require little if any job creation, according to a study published today.

These are the key findings of Money for Something: Job Creation and Job Quality Standards in State Economic Development Subsidy Programs, a study published today by Good Jobs First, a non-profit research center based in Washington, DC.

"With unemployment still so high, taxpayers have a right to expect that economic development investments create significant numbers of quality jobs," said Good Jobs First executive director Greg LeRoy.

"If subsidies do not result in real public benefits, they are no better than corporate giveaways," added Good Jobs First research director Philip Mattera, principal author of the report.

Money for Somethingrates the performance standards and job quality requirements of 238 key subsidy programs from the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Each is rated on a scale of 0-100.

It found that only 135 programs have a performance standard relating to job creation, job retention or training of a certain number of workers. Fewer than half (98) of the 238 programs impose a wage requirement, and only 53 of those are tied to labor market rates.

Only 51 programs require that a subsidized employer make available healthcare coverage, and only 31 require an employer contribution to premiums.

The states with the best average scores among their programs were Nevada (82), North Carolina (79) and Vermont (77). The worst were the District of Columbia (4), Alaska (5) and Wyoming (10).

The report recommends that every subsidy should contain job creation, job retention or training requirements strengthened by provisions barring employers from shifting existing jobs from other facilities and mandating that jobs be kept in place for a minimum period.

It also recommends that every job in a subsidized facility should be covered by a wage standard that raises pay above market levels and that they should offer health coverage in which the employer contributes to premium costs.